Tuesday, May 15, 2007


YouTube's not for me. Facebook and MySpace resent the old folks. Now, a blog. That might work. There's got to be a way to have a positive presence for young and old alike on the internet. How it will look is unknown. What it will say is a mystery. All that can be said is that there is a gaping hole in the internet where positive interaction between and among students and adults can take place. Perhaps this could be a small contribution toward the filling of that hole.

No preaching. No judging. Lots of words. All positive, all with the hope of making a connection that was not made in person. Anonymity is not a prerequisite for honesty. My identity is out there for those who seek it. Others may or may not choose to do the same. It really doesn't matter. Names are not the point. Making your point is.

So, go ahead, make my day.